
Published 4月 02, 2014 by

Oracle Listener 教學

Oracle Listener Status教學

Oracle Listener Help
Client TNS設定

$lsnrctl status
listener start 執行指令 lsnrctl start [listener-name]
$lsnrctl start
$lsnrctl start LSNR

STOP Oracle Listener
$lsnrctl stop

Restart Oracle Listener
$lsnrctl reload

設置第二個 Listener:
用途:用在Cluster Server或同一台有二個Instance


Listener的設定檔(DB Server),兩個Listener,:
LSNR11521 Port
LSNR21522 Port
單獨啟動LSNR21522 Port:
$lsnrctl start LSNR2

Client端的tns設定,port1522 port

Oracle Listener Help
1. View Available Listener Commands
■ start - Start the Oracle listener
■ stop - Stop the Oracle listener
■ status - Display the current status of the Oracle listener
■ services - Retrieve the listener services information
■ version - Display the oracle listener version information
■ reload - This will reload the oracle listener SID and parameter files. This is equivalent to lsnrctl stop and lsnrctl start.
■ save_config - This will save the current settings to the listener.ora file and also take a backup of the listener.ora file before overwriting it. If there are no changes, it will display the message "No changes to save for LISTENER"
■ trace - Enable the tracing at the listener level. The available options are 'trace OFF', 'trace USER', 'trace ADMIN' or 'trace SUPPORT'
■ spawn - Spawns a new with the program with the spawn_alias mentioned in the listener.ora file
■ change_password - Set the new password to the oracle listener (or) change the existing listener password.
■ show - Display log files and other relevant listener information.
